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  • MIMOS® Baby Pillow from £69.00

  • MIMOS® Pillow Bundle (White) from £75.00

  • MIMOS® Pillow Bundle (Grey) from £78.00

  • Bedding
  • MIMOS® TODDLER Pillows - £56.00

  • AIROYA 2-Sided Airflow Safe Cot Bumper - £32.00

  • AIROYA 4-Sided Airflow Safe Cot Bumper - £38.00

  • Measurement
  • Craniometer - £68.00

  • Elastic Measuring Band for Craniometer - £25.00

  • Skully Care: Head Shape Scan and Advise Package - £12.5

  • Torticollis
  • The Tot-Collar - £75.00

  • TORTLE Positioning Beanie - £48.00

  • Positioning
  • TORTLE Positioning Beanie - £48.00

  • MIMOS® Play - Lateral Position Cushion - £89.00

  • Safe T Sleep® Sleepwrap and HEADwedge for Sleep Positioning (£13)

  • Developmental Care
  • Tortle Midliner ( 10 Case Pack) - £48.00/Unit

  • Tortle Chin Strap

    Tortle Chin Strap (25 Case Pack) - £8.54/Unit

  • Tortle BiliBands Phototheraphy Shades

    Tortle BiliBands Phototheraphy Shades (50 Case Pack) - £5.52/Unit

  • Welcome Fulham & Midwest Osteopathic Clinics to Mimos Pillow Family

    July 20, 2020 2 min read

    Mimos Pillow London Stockist - Melinda Fulham Crania Osteopath Baby Flat Head Syndrome Specialist

    We are pleased to welcome one of the most prestigious and established osteopathy practices in the UK into our family of stockists.

    We are dedicated to providing our customer with the highest quality products to ensure optimum comfort and pressure relief for infants while lying on their back. Each one of our baby pillows is manufactured to the highest national and international market standards, and we are honoured to count Fulham Osteopaths among our valued retail partners.

    We pride ourselves in our products, and we are confident that we have chosen the ideal companies and professionals to advise parents about the best practices to prevent and improve plagiocephaly among their infant children.

    Introducing our new stockists of Mimos baby pillows:

    Fulham Osteopaths

    An established Osteopathy and Alternative Therapies practice, Fulham Osteopaths boasts an impeccable track record of nearly 30 years dedicated to providing the highest standards of care. Founded by Melinda and Andrew Cotton, the practice has grown to become the biggest private Osteopathy clinic in London today.

    Both Melinda and Andrew Cotton have been lecturers/tutors at the British School of Osteopathy, and they have managed to assemble a stellar team of osteopaths and alternative therapists over the years. With a dedicated area for the care of mother and baby and a solid experience in cranial work for the newborn, Fulham Osteopaths are in an ideal position to advise parents and caregivers about the uses of the Mimos baby pillow and how it can help their children.

    We are thankful and honoured to have been granted a place among the shelves of their reputable clinic. As it is the norm with all of our valued stockists, we are fully at their disposal to offer any follow-up information, as well as any advice we can to make this mutual collaboration a smashing success.

    We look forward to offering the best customer service to accompany the safest, medically tested baby pillows available on the market today.

    Cork Children's Osteopath

    As a Paediatric Osteopath I see quite a few babies with Plagiocephaly or Flat Head. While osteopathic treatment is of huge benefit for these babies, I found that the Mimos Pillow was the most significant additional intervention. I have been recommending this pillow for over a year now and I have seen the difference it can make in just a few weeks. For parents of a baby with a flat head, it is a product we recommend every day. We believe in it so much we have even mentioned it in our book, Cherished Baby and Child

    Frank Kelleher, Paediatric Osteopath.


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