  • MIMOS® Baby Pillow from £69.00

  • MIMOS® Pillow Bundle (White) from £73.00

  • MIMOS® Pillow Bundle (Grey) from £73.20

  • Bedding
  • MIMOS® TODDLER Pillows - £55.40

  • AIROYA 2-Sided Airflow Safe Cot Bumper - £32.00

  • AIROYA 4-Sided Airflow Safe Cot Bumper - £38.00

  • Measurement
  • Craniometer - £68.00

  • Elastic Measuring Band for Craniometer - £25.00

  • Head Circumference Measuring Tape -£1.50

  • Torticollis
  • The Tot-Collar - £65.72

  • TORTLE Positioning Beanie - £48.00

  • Positioning
  • TORTLE Positioning Beanie - £48.00

  • MIMOS® Play - Lateral Position Cushion - £88.00

  • Safe T Sleep® Sleepwrap and HEADwedge for Sleep Positioning (£12)

  • Developmental Care
  • Tortle Midliner ( 10 Case Pack) - £48.00/Unit

  • Tortle Chin Strap

    Tortle Chin Strap (25 Case Pack) - £8.54/Unit

  • Tortle BiliBands Phototheraphy Shades

    Tortle BiliBands Phototheraphy Shades (50 Case Pack) - £5.52/Unit

  • Who We Are

    Renowned distributors, meticulous product curators

    Since 2012, we have been supplying medical grade baby products that have been meticulously developed and extensively tested – all to ensure the ultimate safety of babies and the peace of the mind of their parents. We have been qualified NHS Supply Chain suppliers since 2017, as well as sole distributors of the brands Mimos Pillows and Tortle in both the UK and Ireland.

    What Makes Us Different

    Supporting the development health of babies with safety & care

    At Halo-care, we take extreme care to research, discover, and curate a range of baby care products that are backed by science. We are dedicated to high-quality, real solution that resolve parents’ concerns – without adding any further risk. Each of our products are recommended by paediatric doctors, physicians, and neurosurgeons worldwide.

    Selling innovative brands such as Mimos Pillows and Tot-collars, we are a 'one-stop, shop for baby developmental solutions. When it comes to products purported to support a baby’s health, the highest standard of clinical efficacy and safety become the utmost priority.

    Our Story

    Pride in our strong reputation, dedication to quality products

    We are an established UK-based company that is still family owned that prides Itself in distributing high-quality baby products with the greatest clinical efficacy.

    Inspired by his nephew who had developed flat head syndrome at 4 months old, Dr Low wondered if there was an alternative to the standard treatment – a very expensive and painful orthopaedic helmet that had to be worn for 6 months. After completing his PhD in engineering and starting work at the Institute of Neuroscience, he started to do research to understand the cause of baby flat heads.

    Through a process of thorough investigation and connecting to high-quality product developers, he discovered a solution that was gentle, pain-free, and only a fraction of the cost. Along with Mimos Pillows, Dr Low has grown Halo-care as a 'one-stop' shop for baby developmental solutions. Beyond functionality, we focus on products that put clinical-efficacy and safety at their forefront.

    Our Vision

    Setting out to put an end to the epidemic of baby flat head syndrome

    Baby flat head syndrome should be something of the past - that’s the belief that drives us. We are committed to the eradication of the condition through constant innovation, meaningful education, and the continued discovery and distribution of complementary baby care products.

    By raising the awareness amongst more healthcare professionals and parents, we can ensure baby developmental problems are solved practically, cost-effectively, and always safely. Our vision is to become the go-to company to resource for baby flat head solutions and related conditions.

    Our vision is:

    • To provide education to new parents about the causes and treatments of plagiocephaly, torticollis, and related conditions
    • To provide real tools to health care professionals and parents to gently treat and prevent baby developmental problems

    Message From The MD

    Early intervention is key for solving Flat Head Syndrome

    My nephew developed flat head Syndrome (positional Plagiocephaly) when he was 4 months old. He was prescribed and treated with an orthotic helmet which he had to wear for 6 months using 23 hours a day. As we discovered this is painful for the baby and it was also expensive (with an average cost of £3000).

    At the time after completing my PhD in engineering I started work at the Institute of Neuroscience as a research scientist and I started to examine if there were any possibilities other than the standard, traditional treatment.

    During my research I discovered that almost 50% of newborns develop flat areas at the back of their heads by the age of two months and a study in Canada, published by the Journal of Paediatrics found that 46% of 2-3 month old babies retain at least a mild form of the condition.

    Following these findings we started to promote awareness, prevention and early intervention (using a natural treatment so that helmet can be avoided). We decided to create the one-stop-shop to source for solutions needed to solve the issue in a gentle, pain free manner.

    The rise in cases of baby flat head syndrome is mainly due to the pressure asserted on baby’s head whilst sleeping on its back for a prolonged time. This followed the Back-to-Sleep campaign guidelines to help reduce the risk of sudden infant Death Syndrome, or SIDs.

    When we were able to identify the cause as the baby’s head position during sleep we were able to start looking at solutions to assist in safe, alternative sleeping position with a redistribution of the pressure on the baby’s head.

    There are various devices available on the market that claim to assist. However, apart from the functional aspect, the safety concern with this is paramount. We started to search for solutions that provide the baby with with clinical efficacy and present zero risk of suffocation and entanglement risk.

    Best Wishes, Hock Soon Low

    We decided to create the one-stop-shop to source for solutions needed to solve the issue (Flat Head Syndrome or Positional Plagiocephaly) in a gentle, pain free manner.



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    we are therefore proud to guarantee that we trade ethically.

    Download our Ethical Trading Policy

    As a testament Halo-Care’s quality and service, we has been awarded the
    prestigious ISO 9001:2015 Certificate for Quality Assurance Systems, which
    means that we always offer 100% when it comes to quality.

    View Our ISO Certificate accreditation