Caution: the child should not be left alone wearing this Collar. Remove for sleeping.
Designed for congenital muscular torticollis and provides stimulus to the side of the head for infants and adults
Provides noxious stimulus to the lateral aspect of the skull, so that the user moves away from this stimulus towards a new, centrally correct position. This resets perception of horizontal position sense and maintains the corrected head position...
A loop of soft PVC tubing is bridged by two short nylon tubes. Varying sizes of tubes are packaged with the Collar. These tubes are positioned anterior and posterior to the crest of the trapezius. The PVC tubing is fastened with a connecting strap. A spare Velcro Strap is included.
The use of the Tot Collar as an adjunct to conservative treatment of congenital muscular torticollis has been readily accepted by parents, children and infants with no deleterious effects and this had become a Physical Therapiy routine part of management of congenital muscular torticollis.
The TOT Collar is pre-assembled and ready to fit. There are two sizes: Adult and Child. The clear pvc tubing of the Collar is supplied at twice the circumference of the neck, plus 4”-6” (10cm-15cm). The tubing is joined with an end connector. The white tubes or struts are selected according to the amount of lateral tilt of the head. Extra tubes are supplied with the TOT Collar to allow for change in lateral tilt.
For correct fit, the infant should be holding his or her head in midline, slightly away from the struts, and there should be room for at least one adult finger to fit between the top clear pvc tubing and the neck.
Fit the Collar loosely at first and ensure that the lateral tubes are the correct length and on the correct side. Snug up the Collar by hand to check the fit.
Remove the Collar from the child. Pull through the clear pvc tubing to remove the excess. Trim this tubing to length with scissors and reconnect with the end connector. Replace the Collar after each trim to check the fit.
Note: Be careful not to cut off too much of the clear tubing. It cannot be reconnected if cut too short.